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Vince Calano
Decorative shelf
1/2" wide at the front of the shelf, 1 1/2" wide at the back. 1" deep, 1 1/4" tall.
Vince Calano
Deli counter - meat and cheese slicer
Slicer handle and wheel turn. Faux marble top. 5 3/8" wide, 2" deep, 4 1/8" tall. Height includes height of slicer.
Vince Calano
Fabric bin with drop down cutting shelf
The fabric is on rollers that turn by the handle. Fabric bolts are included and fabrics will vary in color and pattern 6" tall, almost 3" wide and 2 1/4" deep with the shelf up When the shelf is down, it's 3 3/4" deep
Vince Calano
Fabric cutting table #1
The fabric is turned by a handle on the roller Yardstick attached. Fabric bolts are included 6" long, 2 3/4" wide
Vince Calano
Fabric cutting table #2
The fabric is turned by a handle on the roller Yardstick attached. Fabric bolts are included 6" long, 2 3/4" wide
Vince Calano
Garden bench
Acrylic - faux marble. 3 7/8" wide, 1 1/4" deep, 1 1/2" tall.
Vince Calano
Garden bench - faux marble - acrylic
4" wide, 1 1/4" deep, 1 1/2" tall.
Vince Calano
Garden chair - faux marble - acrylic
1 5/8" wide, 1 1/4" deep, 2 3/4" tall.
Vince Calano
Occasional table -oval - acrylic
Light scratches on surface 2 1/4" wide, 1 3//8" deep, 2" tall.
Vince Calano
Pedestal hall/entry table #2
Caster wheels. 2 3/4" diameter, 2 1/2" tall.
Vince Calano
Shop counter with paper dispenser
5 1/2" wide, 2" deep, 3 1/4" tall. Paper dispenser is 1" tall.
Vince Calano
Table - 1/2 scale
Could be a 1/2 scale dining table. 2 1/2" diameter, 2" tall.
Vince Calano
Worker's cart
Wood The 2 ladders hook on the sides and are removable 8" wide, 2" deep, 3" tall without ladders 10 1/2" wide with ladders
Vince Calano
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