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Farm - equipment
Beehive on bench
By Sir Thomas Thumb. 2 1/2" wide, 1 1/4" deep, 2 1/2" tall.
Sir Thomas Thumb
Bow chain dasher - logging ?
I think this is used in logging with chain saws 2 1/4" long , 2 1/4" wide
Fred Cobbs
Chain pump
A type of water pump - non-workinge Made to look used 2" wide, 3 1/2" tall By Fred Cobbs
Fred Cobbs
Cot Chrome
Weathered wood and metal I don't know what this was used for but it was used in England 4 1/2" long By Fred Cobbs
Fred Cobbs
Cream separator - grungy copper
3" wide, 2" deep, 3 1/2" tall By Fred Cobbs
Fred Cobbs
Discus plow - rusted
Used for preparing land for seeding Invented by John Deere 6" wide, 4 1/2" tall By Fred Cobbs
Fred Cobbs
Double furrow plow
Metal - rusted to look used 2 1/2" wide, 8" long, 1 1/2" tall By Fred Cobbs
Fred Cobbs
Drain pull scoop
Metal, made to look used Used for clearing drainage ditches 5" long By Fred Cobbs
Fred Cobbs
Drain scoop
Metal, made to look used Used for clearing drainage ditches 5 1/2" long By Fred Cobbs
Fred Cobbs
Froe - type of axe
Rusted metal Used for splitting wood along the grain 1 1/2" long By Fred Cobbs
Fred Cobbs
Grain fanning mill
Used to remove straw, chaff, stones, dirt and dust and weed seeds from grains. Handle turns wheel The mill is 5 1/2" wide, 2 3/4" deep, 3" tall By Fred Cobbs
Fred Cobbs
King of Prairie plow - rusted
Used to loosen soil before planting 3 1/2" wide, 9 1/2" long By Fred Cobbs
Fred Cobbs
New Deal gang plow - rusted
2 1/2" wide, 10" long 3 3/4" tall By Fred Cobbs
Fred Cobbs
Reed's subsoil plow
Metal - rusted to look used and distressed wood 2" wide, 9" long, 5 1/2" tall By Fred Cobbs
Fred Cobbs
Riding saw
Wood and metal - rusted to look used and distressed wood 4" wide, 9" long, 5 1/2" tall By Fred Cobbs
Fred Cobbs
Rocking sugar evaporator
Used in the production of maple syrup 7" wide, 3 1/4" deep, 4 1/4" tall By Fred Cobbs
Fred Cobbs
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